Google Scholar:
For a more updated list of publications, see my google scholar link here!
Journal Articles:
Civilini, Nava-Jimenez, and Husker (In Preparation), EQSpec: A Python package for automatic seismic detection within noisy datasets using spectrograms.
Civilini, Mooney, Savage, Townend, and Zahran (In Press), Ambient noise tomography of the Arabian Shield. Chapter in the US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1862.
Civilini, Weber, and Husker (2023), Thermal moonquake characterization and cataloging using frequency-based algorithms and stochastic gradient descent. JGR Planets. [weblink].
Ruiz, Civilini, Ebinger, et al. (2022), Precursory signal detected for the 2018 Sierra Negra volcanic Eruption, Galapagos, using seismic ambient noise. JGR Solid Earth. [weblink]
Barkaoui, Lognonne, Kawamura, et al. (2022), Anatomy of continuous SEIS data from deep scattering network clustering. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. [weblink]
Civilini, Weber, Jiang, Phillips, and Pan (2021), Detecting moonquakes using convolutional neural networks, a non-local training set, and transfer learning. Geophysical Journal International. [weblink]
Civilini, Savage, and Townend (2020), Shear-velocity variations induced by earthquakes and rainfall at the Rotokawa and Ngatamariki geothermal fields, Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand. Geophysical Journal International. [weblink]
Civilini, Mooney, Savage, Townend, and Zahran (2019), Crustal imaging of northern Harrat Rahat, Saudi Arabia, from ambient noise tomography. Geophysical Journal International. [weblink]
Civilini, Pancha, Savage, Sewell, and Townend (2016), Inferring shear-velocity structure of the upper 200 m using cultural ambient noise at the Ngatamariki geothermal field, Central North Island, New Zealand. SEG Interpretation. [weblink]
Conference Proceedings:
Civilini and Weber (2021), Detecting Moonquakes Using Convolutional Neural Networks. 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. [weblink]
Seely*, Civilini*, Srishankar*, Praveen*, Koul, Berea, and El-Askary (2020), Knowledge Discovery Framework: Deep learning applications for remote sensing. NASA Frontier Development Lab Technical Report. * Authors have equal primary contribution. [weblink]
Civilini and Weber (2020), Deep learning models for planetary seismicity detection. 51st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. [weblink]
Savage, Townend, Sewell, Hopp, Mroczek, Civilini, and Keats (2019), Seismic studies of geothermal areas in New Zealand. 41st New Zealand Geothermal Workshop.
Steidl, Civilini, and Seale (2014), What have we learned after a decade of experiments and monitoring at the NEES@UCSB permanently instrumented field sites? Conference proceeding for the Tenth U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering: Frontiers of Earthquake Engineering. [weblink]
Civilini and Steidl (2011), Coherence vs Distance at the Garner Valley and Wildlife NEES@UCSB Field Sites: A Comparison Using Active Source. IAEE International Symposium: Effects of Surface Geology on Strong Ground Motion [ESG4] Meeting. [weblink]
Talks (presenting author only):
NASA/NVIDIA Hackathon: Seismic detection project, September 2023
6th Planetary Data Workshop, June 2023
NASA Goddard Director's Seminar, May 2023
Potomac Geophysical Society, May 2023
NASA Headquarters Lunch and Learn, April 2023
Geological Society of Washington, March 2023
Caltech Seismolab Brownbag Seminar, December 2022
Caltech GMG IAB Meeting, September 2022, Cataloging tremor signals at the Lightning Dock Geothermal field, New Mexico [weblink]
Caltech GMG Geothermal Deep-Dive, April 2022, Cataloging long-duration signals at the Lightning Dock Geothermal field, New Mexico
Seismological Society of America annual meeting, April 2022, Analysis of thermal moonquakes within the Apollo 17 Lunar Seismic Profiling Experiment
George Mason University Computational & Data Sciences Department seminar, March 2022, How to train your lander: Automated moonquake detection using machine learning and an Earth-based training set
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Section 322 Planetary Science Talk, January 2022, How to train your lander: Automated moonquake detection using machine learning and an Earth-based training set
Caltech GMG Industrial Advisory Board Meeting, January 2022, Preliminary detection and analysis of long-duration signals at the Lightning Dock geothermal field [weblink]
NASA Frontier Development Lab 2020 AI Showcase, August 2020, Knowledge Discovery Framework [weblink]
SETI Live, July 2020, Frontier Development Lab: Knowledge Discovery Framework [weblink]
NASA Marshall IMPACT Lunch and Learn, June 2020, Deep learning for planetary seismicity detection
NASA Marshall ST13 Journal Club, May 2020, Machine learning in seismology and planetary seismicity detection
Victoria University of Wellington SGEES Seminar, January 2018, Determining seismic shear-velocity from ambient noise sources at regional and local scales
Victoria University of Wellington Geoclub, June 2016, Inferring shear-wave velocity structure of the upper 200 meters using cultural ambient noise at the Ngatamariki geothermal field.
ISTerre Department Seminar, January 2016, Ambient noise studies in New Zealand.
GeoSciences New Zealand Annual Meeting, November 2014, Shear-wave velocity at the Rotokawa geothermal field using ambient noise
Seismological Society of America Annual Meeting, April 2012, Using spectral ratios of pore pressure and strain observations to analyze tectonic deformation and changes in well parameters due to nearby earthquakes
Recent Posters (presenting author only):
The 3rd SMD and ETD Workshop on AI and Data Science, March 2023
NASA Goddard Poster Party, January 2023
Caltech GMG IAB Meeting, Cataloging tremor signals at the Lightning Dock geothermal field, New Mexico [weblink]
AGU Fall Meeting 2022, Cataloging long-duration signals at the Lightning Dock Geothermal field, New Mexico [weblink]
AGU Fall Meeting 2021, Detection and analysis of Long-Period Long-Duration signals at the Lightning Dock geothermal field [weblink]
AGU Fall Meeting 2021, Locating thermal moonquakes using arrival-time misfit and attenuation [weblink]
AGU Fall Meeting 2020, Deep learning classifier for planetary seismicity detection
NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Jamboree and Poster Expo, February 2020, Deep learning models for planetary seismicity detection
SCEC Annual Meeting 2019, Ambient noise tomography of the Saudi Arabian Shield
SSA Annual Meeting 2019, Ambient noise tomography of the Arabian Shield [weblink]
AGU Fall Meeting 2017, Shear-wave velocities beneath the Harrat Rahat volcanic field, Saudi Arabia, using ambient seismic noise analysis [weblink]
AGU Fall Meeting 2016, Temporal changes in shear velocity from ambient noise at New Zealand geothermal fields [weblink]